Sick of online dating and hook-up apps?
Here’s a radical concept: why not try meeting a man the old-fashioned way– in person.
No more wading through thousands of profiles, based mostly on lies and flattering, filtered photos; no more polite, soul destroying dates with people you know you’ll never fall for; no more humiliating Tinder hook ups with guys who leave the second they realise sex isn’t on offer.
If you meet someone in person, you know whether you have chemistry or not. Or they grow on you naturally and delightfully: transitioning from a friend at work to someone you can’t live without.
Meeting a man IRL does require you actually getting up off the sofa, turning off Netflix and leaving your flat, but if you want results, this is what you have to do.
Another thing you’ll need is an open mind.
The person you end up with probably won’t look like – or be anything like - the person you think you’re going to end up with.
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Ditch the list
If you’re single and over 25, you’ll have a list of ‘partner must-have’s’.
Swap it for a questionnaire that you answer around date five.
Are they a nice person? Are they kind? Do they have great friends who clearly adore them? Do they get on well with their family? Is he nice to women? Does he treat you beautifully and clearly want to please you? Does he make you laugh?
These are the things that matter.
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Don’t look down, look up
Whenever I meet a single friend out and about, without exception, they are looking at their phone when I arrive.
Most of the time, they’re checking social media to see if some flakey guy they met online has finally called or made contact.
They’re surrounded by a sea of real life attractive men who are all potential partners but don’t see them.
Now look confidently around your environment and meet the eyes of people you find attractive.
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If they smile back, shyly glance back every few minutes so they well and truly get the message you’re open to being approached.
Single men are everywhere
They’re on the tube sitting beside you. They’re in the supermarket. They’re queuing for coffee. They’re walking in the park.
We all have a tendency to compartmentalise our lives: the weekends or nights are for finding love, week days are for work.
Open your eyes to ALL possibilities – you can meet the future love of your life anywhere and everywhere and that includes 9am on a Monday morning waiting for the bus.
Carry or wear something unusual
Yes really.
Wearing a bright coat or carrying a quirky bag or a (physical) copy of a book that’s controversial gives people an instant conversation starter.
“I love your coat/bag/backpack” and next minute you’re chatting away.
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If I hadn’t asked my now husband if he wanted my phone number (after three hours of chatting – seriously, how shy was he!) we’d never have seen each other again.
Be brazen.
What have you got to lose?
If they say they’re married or attached, smile and wave goodbye and console yourself with the thought that you won’t spend the next week kicking yourself with ‘What if’s..’.
Go somewhere new
Keep doing what you always do and you’ll get what you’ve always got!
If you never meet anyone, you’re going to the wrong places.
Try a different area, a new pub, walk in the opposite direction during your lunch hour in search of more than a sandwich, go out with different friends.
If you’ve been going to the same pub, with the same friends, every Friday night for six months and never, ever end up finding anyone remotely interesting, why the hell are you still going?
Touch people
If you want to connect with someone, there is no better way to do it than through touch.
The briefest, tiniest touch can have an electric effect.
The next time you’re in a crowded pub, try this experiment.
当SaaS遇上AI,就像“傻子”遇上“爱” - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-12-4 · 11月29日-30日,腾讯产业加速器首次聚合闭门辅导在南京举行,作为腾讯云启智慧产业生态平台的重要组成部分,腾讯产业加速器此次闭门辅导意味着腾讯在AI和SaaS两大赛道的落地实践正在进入生态融合发展阶段,而腾讯与产业合作伙伴共建的智慧产业生态也开始进一步实现交叉闭环。
They’ll look around immediately and when they do, flash the biggest smile you can muster and say, ‘Sorry! It’s so crowded I couldn’t get through’.
Chances are they’ll obediently move to one side and flash you a smile back.
From that moment on, even if you’re not really their type, every time you catch their eye, they’ll smile at you.
当SaaS遇上AI,就像“傻子”遇上“爱” - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-12-4 · 11月29日-30日,腾讯产业加速器首次聚合闭门辅导在南京举行,作为腾讯云启智慧产业生态平台的重要组成部分,腾讯产业加速器此次闭门辅导意味着腾讯在AI和SaaS两大赛道的落地实践正在进入生态融合发展阶段,而腾讯与产业合作伙伴共建的智慧产业生态也开始进一步实现交叉闭环。
In fact, it’d be rude not to because it feels like you 就爱加速器官方下载 each other. All because of that one touch!
Accept every invitation if it means you’ll meet new people
Say yes to everything you’re asked to that involves new people.
Especially say yes to after work drinks and happy hours: even if you don’t fancy anyone at work, you might fancy their friend who comes to meet them.
Say yes to friend’s birthday drinks even if you’re not that keen on the friend, say yes to trying a salsa class with a friend (even if you’re like me and the idea makes you want to stick pins in your eyeballs, go once and check it out anyway.)
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In fact, find as many gym bunny friends as you can and go to ALL the gym Christmas parties: if the party at my gym is anything to go back, there’s a ridiculous amount of snogging that goes on!
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Don’t be afraid to make the first move
I saw my now husband standing on the river with a pint in his hand and it took me about two minutes to come up with a cunning plan to talk to him.
(A box of matches was in between us, they were from Stringfellows strip club, Where they his?, God no! and off we went.)
So I didn’t only ask for the phone number at the end (see above), I was the one who started the conversation at the beginning.
Most men aren’t as confident as they appear.
Most men don’t have a clue of how to approach women.
The better looking you are, the worse it is for them because the chance of rejection is higher.
If you find someone attractive, find any excuse to talk to them.
Don’t use a line (men hate them just as much as women do), just say something that’s applicable to the situation.
If you’re both pondering the choices at Pret, say “Hmm. What do you reckon? The chicken salad or the soup?”.
If he’s standing beside you at the newsagent, pick up the paper and comment on what’s on the front page.
If you’re a runner and keep passing the same (hot) person, start saying ‘Hello’ each time you pass.
The next time step it up and say ‘We have to stop meeting like this”.
Yes you can be that cheesy!
It really doesn’t matter what you say, all you need to do is make conversation to give a very obvious green light that you’re open to being approached.
Go to single’s events
Most dating websites offer in person events like balls and get togethers.
Skip the online stuff, go along to the in person events: they’re far more successful at matchmaking.
Agree to be set up on that blind date
That sweet little old lady who lives next door and swears her grandson would be perfect for you – take her up on meeting him.
Hey, it worked for Bridget Jones.
当SaaS遇上AI,就像“傻子”遇上“爱” - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-12-4 · 11月29日-30日,腾讯产业加速器首次聚合闭门辅导在南京举行,作为腾讯云启智慧产业生态平台的重要组成部分,腾讯产业加速器此次闭门辅导意味着腾讯在AI和SaaS两大赛道的落地实践正在进入生态融合发展阶段,而腾讯与产业合作伙伴共建的智慧产业生态也开始进一步实现交叉闭环。
You’ll find out if you’ve caught anyone’s eye – and can use it to alert the guy you’ve been shyly smiling at for weeks.
当SaaS遇上AI,就像“傻子”遇上“爱” - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-12-4 · 11月29日-30日,腾讯产业加速器首次聚合闭门辅导在南京举行,作为腾讯云启智慧产业生态平台的重要组成部分,腾讯产业加速器此次闭门辅导意味着腾讯在AI和SaaS两大赛道的落地实践正在进入生态融合发展阶段,而腾讯与产业合作伙伴共建的智慧产业生态也开始进一步实现交叉闭环。
Up your chances by trying to catch the same bus or tube – the more we see people, the more attractive they get.
That ordinary looking guy you’d never normally look twice at suddenly becomes the person you search for because you’ve started to enjoy that early morning banter.
And on that note…
Become a regular
A café, a bookstore, a bar, a restaurant – anywhere that exposes you to the same people over and over.
We’re more comfortable in places we go to often, so happier making the first move.
It’s easy to nod or smile at someone we’ve seen before and before you know it, you’re having real conversations.
Familiarity forces us to see past the exterior.
Make people laugh
One minute of laughter relaxes us for up to 45 minutes!
Both laughter and smiles release ‘happy’ hormones into our bloodstream.
Feel-good junkies that we are, we listen longer, talk longer and feel warmer and friendlier toward people who inspire this feeling.
If you’ve got a wicked sense of humour, unleash this secret weapon.
Do things on your own
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Sure, it’s easier to go out with girlfriends or hang out with lovely couple friends at their fabulous apartment, but it’s not going to get you loved or laid.
Be easy to approach
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If you’re with a friend who could look like your partner, put some space between you and turn your torso so you’re facing out rather than in.
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The more flirtatious the person, the more they get asked out.
Anyone can be a good flirt: you simply need to follow some basic rules.
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That’s it. You’re done.
Don’t give up
You’ve spent weeks cultivating a connection with the most divine man you’ve ever seen only to find out he’s married/gay/has a girlfriend/about to move to Iceland?
Don’t be put off.
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It happens.
Keep positive, keep flirting and stay hopeful.
Love comes to those who are out there looking for it.
Find more advice on love, sex and relationships on Find Tracey's products on lovehoney.
One study found 39 per cent of 2300 people between the age of 18 and 34 met through friends, 22 per cent through unspecified social situations, 18 per cent met through work, 10 per cent met online and six per cent through social media.
So think again if you think looking down at your phone is going to find you the love of your life.
More bamboozling statistics: a 2016 US survey (of people who’ve been with their partner for five years or less) found 88 per cent had met IRL without the help of a dating site.
Yet another study found couples last longer if they meet in person rather than online.
Take a tip from Sarah Beeny: her website is genius.
Friends who have a great single friend – often exes of theirs - put up a profile on their behalf.
Friends know us better than anyone else, so the profiles are kind but honest.
Take this concept through to real life by organising a ‘my single friend’ party.
All your friends are invited and each has to bring at least one single friend along – an ex, a work colleague, a sibling – anyone who is attractive and available.
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Not only that, if you’re introduced through someone else, you can get a secret rundown of what you’re going to be in for if you date them.